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ECF Mission Ethiopia

ECF Mission COVID19 Donations in Addis Ababa, Ethiopiaa

2nd Round Donation

In Aug. 2020, we made food and cleaning related donations to around 85 families included in the program and additional new families that God brought to us to help them, who are severely impacted by the COVID19 pandemic in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


1st Round Donation

In May 2020, we made food and cleaning related donations to around 80 families, who live in extreme poverty and are impacted by the COVID19 pandemic in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Please help us reach more people by making donations in the next rounds.

Make Donations Online (Leave a note: ECF Mission)

Venmo: venmo.com/ecfsanjose-helping
Zelle: helping(at)ecfsanjose.org
Paypal: paypal.me/ethiomission
Donate with Square


Write a Check

Write a Check to ECF or Ethiopian Christian Fellowship Church

Send to the following address:

Attn: Mission Ethiopia
Ethiopian Christian Fellowship Church
2545 Warburton Ave,
Santa Clara, CA 95051




Program Overview

Mission Ethiopia is a non-profit, non-denominational, charitable program created to support poor children and families in Ethiopia. We started this program in 2010 with 4 children and now it supports more than 100 children and 25 families in 5 different locations in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It is run by a dedicated team of volunteers under Ethiopian Christian Fellowship Church, in Santa Clara.

“As you did it to the least, you did it to Me…” Matt 25:40

Our Vision

Every child deserves an opportunity to get good education and support to build a better future, and we aspire to provide that opportunity and support to as many children in the world as we can. We also help families become self sufficient and support them selves and their families.

Our Mission

  1. To support poor children in Ethiopia by providing the finance, facilities, and supplies needed for a proper education. In pursuing this, we believe good education will give these children the tools to achieve their full potential and have a better future.
  2. To lead these children toward faith in Jesus Christ, to help them grow spiritually, and encourage them to attend local churches and be part of children ministries. We believe the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the children.
  3. To enable capable parents to improve their skills and start small home-based business so that they would become self-sufficient and support themselves and their children.

Our Method

We are working side by side with dedicated and responsible team members who live in Ethiopia.

Our responsibilities include:-

  • Raising money and send it to them in a timely manner.
  • Communicate with them regarding the children’s need.
  • Encourage and work with them side by side

The responsibilities of the team in Ethiopia includes:-

  • Search and find eligible children (parentless children and/or children living with their parent/parents, but their parents can’t afford to pay for their school)
  • Find a school close to their home and register the children.
  • Manage the money, pay for the children’s school and school supplies as needed.
  • Encourage the children to go to their local churches and help them to attend children ministries.
  • Identify the parents who are capable of improving their employable skills.
  • Identify potential methods, including training programs which would enable some of these parents gain better employment opportunities.
  • Report all the activities around the children to the individual supporters.

Our Achievements

This program has changed the lives of more than 100 children and 25 mothers in 5 different locations in Addis Ababa. Some of the students have already graduated completing their undergraduate studies and have joined the program as volunteers to contribute their parts. We are working with the team in Ethiopia to expand the program and change the lives of many more children by sending them to school, covering their school expenses and assisting their parents with a small initial fund to start a job/small business that eventually makes them financially self-sufficient.

Future Plans

We plan to increase the number of the needy children and families we support.

How can you contribute?

You can be part of this program and change the lives of many poor children and families. The program is fully staffed and operated by a dedicated team of volunteers and all the funds are used to support the needy children and their parents.

1. Make Donations Through GoFundMe, Venmo, PayPal or Square

venmo.com/ecfsanjose-helping (leave note: ECF Mission)

Donate with Square

2. Write a Check

Write a Check to ECF or Ethiopian Christian Fellowship Church

Send to the following address:

Attn: Mission Ethiopia
Ethiopian Christian Fellowship Church
2545 Warburton Ave,
Santa Clara, CA 95051

አደገችም ታላቅ ዛፍም ሆነች

“…አደገችም ታላቅ ዛፍም ሆነች፥ የሰማይ ወፎችም በቅርንጫፎችዋ ሰፈሩ አለ…” ሉቃስ 13:19 በኢትዮጵያ ክርስቲያኖች ህብረት ቤተ ክርስቲያን ሳንሆዜ ሚሽን ቲም በትንሽ

ከተልዕኮ በክርስቶስ ማመን ይቀድማል!

ከተልዕኮ በክርስቶስ ማመን ይቀድማል! “ድሆችን ልመግብ ያለኝን ሁሉ ባካፍል፣ ሥጋዬንም ለእሳት መቃጠል አሳልፌ ብሰጥ ፍቅር ግን ከሌለኝ አይጠቅመኝም።” 1 ቆሮ

ወንጌላዊት ቤተ ክርስቲያን (ወንጌላዊ አማኝ)

ወንጌላዊት ቤተ ክርስቲያን (ወንጌላዊ አማኝ) ክርስቲያን ነኝ የሚል ሁሉ ክርስቲያን ነውን? ቤ/ክ የሚለውን ስም የተሸከመ ሁሉ የክርስቶስ አካል  ነውን?  ከየትኛው

Worship Timing

Church Service Sunday: 10am-12:30pm  

Why Donate Us

Mission Ethiopia.

Mission Ethiopia

…whoever is kind to the needy honors God. Proverbs 14:31 This program has changed the lives of more than 100

Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith We believe the Bible to be the inspired, The only infallible authoritative Word of God. We believe